Central Kentucky Retriever Club


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In Memory of
Abby's Little Wader MH

7-25-05 to 5-25-18
 Labrador Retriever
Owner:  Tim Burdon


In Memory of
Teacher's Pet - Katy

11-30-95 to 2-6-98
2 years old - Labrador Retriever
Owners:  Gary & Mary Hext

In Memory of
Brushrun Flashback, "Flash"
Flash.jpg (6377 bytes)

5-8-89 to 6-27-99
10 years old - Golden Retriever
Owners:  Cliff & Helen Romain

In Memory of
Hunters N' Radars
Jasmine Tea MH
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8-4-92 to 3-12-99
7.5 years old - Labrador Retriever
Hunters Marsh Retrievers

In Memory of
CH Dogwooddowns Proud Heritage

3-17-88 to 8-13-00
11 years old
Flatcoated Retriever
Owner:  Susan A. Simms

In Memory of "Rip"
Rip Roarin' Raider
Qualified All-Age
rip.jpg (5369 bytes)
2-6-89 to 7-26-99
10 years old - Labrador Retriever
Owners:  John & Marie Bassett

In Memory of "Prairie"
Whazthat's Prairie Cyclone
Prarie2.jpg (6487 bytes)
7-31-89 to 2-15-00
11 years old - Flatcoated Retriever
Owners: Brian and Katie Abrell

In Memory of
Jack Othello Black, MH
3-1-86 to 7-8-00
 Owners:  John & Marie Bassett

Jack was the first dog in CKRC and in Kentucky to Qualify at the Master National

In Memory of

Diamond P Thunder Richochet, MH



Owner: Richard Patterson

In Memory of

HRCH Triology On Thin Ice, UCD, MH, WCX


4/20/88 - 1/15/01

Owner:  Kim Littlefield

In Memory of




Owners:  John & Marie Bassett

In Memory of
Maximilian Flaming Dawn

6-5-85 to 5-16-01
Owners:  Cliff & Helen Romain

In Memory of
Gretchen P. Hext


10-25-93 to 4-24-02
Owners:  Gary & Mary Hext

In Memory of "Savannah"
CH Ravantarn Savannah Storm CDX, TD, MH, WCX, CGC, HOF

5-25-92 to 5-24-02
Owners:  Brian & Katie Abrell

In Memory of "Tia"
HRCH Hunters Marsh Herbal-Tea

Owner:  Kim Moses

In Memory of "Molly"

Muddy Water Molly

December 24, 1985 - August 25, 2000
Owner:  Tim Burdon

In Memory of
SHR St. Andre Baron of Riverwoods CD, JH, WC, CGC

8-20-89 to 11-29-03
Owner:  Judy Smith

In Memory of "Molly"
Hunters Marsh Lab By Ab

11-11-02 to 1-24-04
Owners:  Gary & Mary Hext

In Memory of "Merry"
HRCH Hunters Marsh Merry Tea Time, MH

5-7-95 to 1-23-04
Owners:  Kim Moses & Barbara Vedder

In Memory of “Ruby”
HRCH Mioak’s Dazzling Ruby, MH

6-28-91 to 7-17-04
Owners:  Clifford & Helen Romain

In Memory of “Grizz”
HRCH Midas’ Riverwoods
Grizz L'Bear CD, MH, WCX

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11-11-91 to 8-24-04
Owner:  Judy Smith

In Memory of “Windy”

enaissance Tropical Storm

8/24/92 to 12/13/05
Owners:  Clint & Sherie Catledge

In Memory of "Kody"
HRCH Wolfgang's Kodiak Jack, MH, WC, CGC

10-24-93 to 1-10-06
Owners:  Gary & Mary Hext

HRCH Riverwoods Bearzz Watching CDX MH WCX CGC - "Amber"

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3-6-997 to 4-3-08

Owner:  Judy Smith

In memory of “Torch”
HRCH Sunny Dawn’s Light My Fire, CD, MH, WCX, OD

2-23-97 to 4-8-08
Owners:  Cliff & Helen Romain

In Memory of "Midnight"
Burdon’s Midnight Dream, SH

3-18-95 to 7-11-08
Tim & Joyce Burdon--Owners

In Memory of "Abby"
HRCH Hunters Marsh Ab The Lab, MH, WC

4-21-98 to 8-1-08
Gary & Mary Hext—Owners

In Memory of "Elvis"
HRCH Rock N Roll Thunder

2-28-96 to 8-8-08
Joe & Susan Heffley - Owners

In Memory of

7-29-99 to August 2, 2008
Clifford & Helen Romain
- Owners

In Memory of "Bucky"
HRCH Carter's Bucky Beau, MH

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10-9-95 to 9-9-08
Cary & Sandra Carter - Owners

In Memory of "Bear"
Manokin BR Yellow Bear

 6-27-000 to 7-26-07
Ty & Scotty Clenney - Owners

In Memory of "Major"
UH SHR Dry Creek Royal
Rush Major

 Dec 4, 2001 to April 4, 2010
Michael 'Hines - Owner

In Memory of "Cowboy"
CT SR Regina's High Flyin' Hero SH

09/08/2001 - 01/11/10
Everett & Anne Campbell

In Memory of "Timber"
HRCH Grey Oaks Timber Slough MH


Kirby & Heather Stevens

In Memory of
Beretta Gamegetter MH
Lexington of Hansborough MH

Jens Basberg, Owner



Dogs Don't Have Souls, Do They?

by Chuck Wells, Palmyra, NY

I remember bringing you home.  You were so small and cuddly with your tiny paws and soft fur.

You bounced around the room with eyes flashing and ears flopping.  Once in awhile, you'd let out a little yelp, just to let me know this was your territory.  Making a mess of the house and chewing on everything in sight became a passion, and when I scolded you, you just put your head down and looked up at me with those innocent eyes, as if to say, "I'm sorry, but I'll do it again as soon as you're not watching."

As you got older, you protected me by looking out the window and barking at everyone who walked by.  When I had a tough day at work, you would be waiting for me with your tail wagging just to say, "Welcome home.  I missed you"  You never had a bad day, and I could always count on you to be there for me.

When I sat down to read the paper and watch TV, you would hop on my lap, looking for attention.  You never asked for anything more than to have me pat your head so you could go to sleep with your head over my leg.

As you got older, you moved around more slowly.  Then, on day, old age finally took its toll, and you couldn't stand on those wobbly legs anymore. I knelt down and patted you lying there., trying to make you young again.   You just looked up at m;e as if to say you were old and tired and that after all these years of not asking for anything, you had to ask for one last favor.

With tears in my eyes, I drove you one last time to the vet.   One last time, you were lying next to me.  For some strange reason, you were able to stand up in the animal hospital, perhaps it was your sense of pride.

As the vet led you away, you stopped for an instant, turned your head, and looked at me as if to say, "Thank you for taking care of me."   I thought, "No, thank you for taking care of me."




Designed by Teacher's Pets.
Webmaster:  mhext@outlook.com
Contact:  ckrc@ckrc.us
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Revised: September 08, 2020.